a lil while ago i was talking music with a buddy of mine and he mentioned how he was really into what he called 'wuss rock'. even though the name was a joke, we figured out that we both were into this kinda music which seems to have a ton of names/labels and yet no official one. i guess you could call it post rock, or mod rock, or synth pop or hipster rock or hipster disco or something but the name isnt really that important. the music is. (for the record, i just called the mix indie cuz i couldnt come up with a better name.)
while everyone and their mom at least knows about hipsters, the actual music behind the scene is actually worthwhile, whatever your thoughts are on the scene itself.
anyways, even if the actual sound is pretty soft compared to a lot of stuff im into, i really like it and i know that if people look past the media hype or whatever, theres a lot of cool stuff in this genre.
so let me present you with this mix. its about 35min and kinda goes with a consistent style with some range of disco and of rock.
i could go on and on about this kinda stuff because of the hype around this kinda music but ill just let the music speak for itself. so put on your vans, tight jeans, v-neck sweaters and ironic glasses cuz youre gonna be dancing to this! no joke!!!!! enjoy!
DJ Service - INDIE!
cut copy - sands of time
probably one of the most legit groups in this collection, especially since theyve been around for a while. the actual track is a perfect starter to the mix and thats really why i chose it.
lykke li - little bit (css remix)
if there ever was a place where hipsters were actually birthed, it would be sweden. lykke li is from sweden. nuff said.
ratatat - shempi
ive only really heard instrumental stuff from ratatat (not to say they dont use vocals) and from what ive heard i really like it. their use of synths are amazing.
sneaky sound system - when we were young
ah yes, non-sensical lyrics centred around children. i really dont get the focus on that and i shake my head at the lyrics in some of these tracks but the sound of that chorus is thumbs up.
vampire weekend - kids dont stand a chance (chromeo remix)
i always love when theres two tracks that have an element that sounds exactly the same but its not really a sample. its pretty obvious that this vampire weekend track shares a bit with dont stand so close to me by the police. just in case you didnt notice i threw in the police track :D
matthew dear - don and sherri (hot chip remix)
this is my favourite track on the mix. hot chip is pretty crazy cuz theyre so far-reaching and diverse. i love that. again with the goofy lyrics though. but the mix into this worked very well so yay for that.
empire of the sun - we are the people (shazam remix)
this track and the next one are my lil mini-aussie section. empire of the sun are a cool group but im really all about shazam. this producer is doing things the right way: through good music. no hype, no stunts, just proper music. check out his myspace for other awesomeness.
bag raiders - shooting stars
see above. also, bag raiders = yes.
cystal castles - crimewave
so this is a hit, is there anything i need to say?
the golden filter - solid gold
cool track. apparently this group really likes the word gold.
lifelike - so electric VS lykke li - breaking it up (pocketknife remix)
i couldnt resist doing a lil blend or two on this mix and im quite happy with how this turned out. it aint perfect but the minimal sound of pocketknife's remix really go well with those synths from lifelife. i think this is probably one of the main highlights of the mix.
hail social - all night (benny brows remix)
big ups to flaming hotz records! this is where the mix tends to go into more rocky stuff and im all for that. all night!
santigold - lights out (dj mehdi remix)
dj mehdi is vastly under-rated. ill admit i used to kinda pigeon-hole this guy into one sound but hes done a lot of varied stuff and i really like it. there are bucket-loads of remixes of santigold tracks but this one is by far the best one.
la roux - quicksand
had to throw in some french connection. if sweden didnt exist, hipsters would move to france. just sayin'. allez les bleus, allez les bleus!
joe and will ask? - take me away
this is a borderline banger but it blended so well with the last track that i had to throw it in.
shinichi osawa - star guitar
another amazing track. this is epic in its purest form. the whole track is just crazy. and an excellent way to end the mix on a high note. *UPDATE* so after chatting with my brother, he reminded me that this track is actually a pseudo-cover of a chemical brothers track of the same name. the more recent version is more energetic but the chemical brothers version is awesome as well, check it out if you have the chance.
alright, until next time my friends!
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