DJ Sharps - Lo Maximo Lo Mejor
I've been back from Peru for a bit now, trying to digest all these reggeton tracks i picked up, finally put a few of them together in this nice little mix. If you've never been to a country like Peru, its a bit different down there. People sell pirate CDs on the street all over the place. I don't even know if its possible to buy legit CDs down there, everyone just buys these pirate cds. And of course these CDs are mostly made from crappy mp3, so the sound quality isn't always there, but thats not really the point of this stuff. I mean a lot of the production is pretty cool, but people aren't listening to it for a hi-fi listening experience thats for sure.
Anyways, grab this mix, stick it on your ipod and rock it on your way home on a sunny afternoon. Feel the sweet and steady 'dum ka dum ka". Pretend you are in a tropical place muy caliente.